Germs, bacteria, other nasty stuff….

I have to disagree with Thotman’s comment on anti-bacterial wipes.  Germs and bacteria… cringe… cringe.  I am never sick.  Even when working and dealing with people who leaned over the counter and coughed and sneezed RIGHT IN MY FACE, gasping "I’ve got to go home, I’m so sick", I went for five or six years w/o taking a sick day.  I kept my hands away from my face and washed them often.  The minute I get home from being anywhere, I wash my hands.  I don’t think basic hygiene is taught anymore.  My germ-laden teenage grandsons NEVER wash their hands.  They are sick with colds/something all the time. 
The germs and bacteria on kitchen sponges and dishcloths are much more rampant than on one’s toilet seat.  Yes, they have proved that.  Would you wipe your toilet seat with your kitchen sponge?  Well, you could depending on how often you change it, and it wouldn’t be any nastier.  I change my dishcloth every other day and toss my wet sponge in the microwave and nuke it a minute.  That kills the bacteria muy pronto.  
What’s the nastiest thing in a motel room?  Why, the remote control of course!  Everything else gets wiped/cleaned to some extent.  Motel rooms in general make me shudder.  Haven’t we all stayed in some that make you want to stay fully clothed with your shoes on even when in bed? 
Restrooms in stores/restaurants should always have a wastebasket by the door.  I wash my hands and use the paper towel to open the door.  I am aghast at those who don’t wash their hands after using the restroom.  If the store doesn’t have a wastebasket by the door, I am SO tempted to just drop the paper towel by the door to send them a message, but can’t litter.  So I use my sleeve or shirt bottom to open the door. 
Am I over reacting to germs and bacteria…  well maybe, but that’s okay.
P.S.  After writing this I Googled ‘bacteria kitchen sponges’ and here’s proof of the pudding by Dr. Mercola.
So THERE!!  (smile) 
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19 Responses to Germs, bacteria, other nasty stuff….

  1. Barbara says:

    I\’m with you on this issue. I carry a bottle of germicidal goop in my handbag at all times. And as for sponges, I wouldn\’t touch one with a ten foot pole. My hubby thinks I\’m nuts. lol

  2. Sue says:

    Like you, I wash my hands every time I return home from anywhere. I confess I have a kitchen sponge that doesn\’t get sanitized as much as it should be. I resolve to nuke it as soon as I get to the kitchen in a few minutes! I often do cringe if I think about what germs could be lurking in a motel room. The tv remote is definitely a bad scene. How about the telephone? How about the bedspread? I don\’t know–how long can germs live on things like that? Maybe we should all take cans of lysol spray with us on trips.Sue

  3. Suzalita says:

    I am finding that I am becoing more and more of a germ freak – especially at the office. I use wipes on my phone and mouse….I love the idea of nuking the sponge – I do use sponges, but I change them often….the scarriest thing to me is to watch my kids – little germ factories – just becasue they are kids and touch everything….OK – I\’m gonna try not to think about it now….

  4. Cybil says:

    Ruth, I love your name! It is my grandmothers, and my daughter is named in honor of her (Madeline Ruth) You entry on Barb\’s blog caught my eye because my sister in law just knitted a beautiful dress for my little neice and then it wouldn\’t fit over her head! Boo hoo! I change my washcloth after every use! I usually have 5-7 by the end of the day! Kind of obsessive, huh? And then I just heard a story on npr about how drinking fountains have 1000 times the bacteria of toilets! Yuck!!!

  5. Andrea says:

    Germs! I think I caught mine from hubbs… I shared a drink with him when we at Santana\’s concert. I do my best not to use "his" sink in the bathroom cuz I don\’t think he washes his hands as well as I do! *shhh* ;-)andrea

  6. Unknown says:

    Hi Ruth,I watcheed part of the Asros Braves game on Sunday. Man, what a competition between those two teams. I am glad Asros won. I think the next game should prove interesting. I just hope the Cardinals don\’t blow them away. I follow the Ntional League more than the AmericaLeague.I agree with your on hygience. Hand washing is the still and always will be the best preventive. They have put too much importnce in these anti bacterial gels. I hate using a public restroom and having to grab the handle to get out. UghHave a great one.Pat

  7. Cheryl says:

    When I worked with homeless people I got sick all the time for the first 3 years. I warned my friend who came to work there that it would happen to her and it did. It took us that long to build up resistance to the new bugs. it is about our exposure and ability to build up natural immunities.

  8. KittyFish says:

    I am guilty. I throw the paper towel on the floor if there is no garbage. I have a thing about touching bathroom door handles.

  9. Ana says:

    Today is Children\’s Day…so what do you prefer??Power Candies or a Flower Can do?? Love can do!!Pirulito ou flor? Pro doce que eh \’oce, so Amor!…____________@@@@@@ __________@@@____@@@ ________@@@________@@_____@@@@@@@ ________@@___________@@__@@@______@@ ________@@____________@@@__________@@ __________@@________________________@@ ____@@@@@@______@@@@@___________@@ __@@@@@@@@@__@@@@@@@_________@@ __@@____________@@@@@@@@@_______@@ _@@____________@@@@@@@@@@_____@@ _@@____________@@@@@@@@@___@@@ _@@@___________@@@@@@@______@@ __@@@@__________@@@@@________@@ ____@@@@@@_______________________@@ _________@@_________________________@@ ________@@___________@@___________@@ ________@@@________@@@@@@@@@@@ _________@@@_____@@@_@@@@@@@ __________@@@@@@@ ___________@@@@@_@ ____________________@ ____________________@ Feliz Crianca! _____________________@ Luv+Lux!!______________________@ ______________________@____@@@ ______________@@@@__@__@_____@ _____________@_______@@@___@@ ________________@@@___@ ________________________@ keys to kiss, quizz me \’n squezze, _______@________________________@A\’n A…(Artist and Author)

  10. CAROL says:

    OH NO NOT YOU TOO!! I also carry stuff with me and the bathroom routine is mine for sure.I NEVER touch the doors on those places that are public I always use my coat sleeve or papertowel etc….as for the sponge..I admit I have one but I also have a bottle of water with bleach that I spray on it too…I often dip it in boiling water too. One can nevr be too careful there are a million germs all around us every day!!!! My sister wears leather gloves while shopping in the winter time and never takes them off when she is shopping..can you imagine the germs on those things!!!! YIKES!!!Take Care!!

  11. Cheryl says:

    I\’M RETIRED…Had my party and it was wonderful. It is now real. Do you hear the book slamming on this chapter? A new book is now beginning….

  12. Debbie says:

    I\’m probably germ-proof by now after being with kids. We all have individual bottles of Purell or some other hand-sanitizer, but getting them to use it is not easy. I use mine often.I\’m a germ freak in public places.

  13. Patricia says:

    Yep, I agree with all this…and I use my sleeve or whatever else I can to open the door, too…laughing about you having to find where I lived…some folks think we are still part of Virginia…but, we succeeded from the succession a long time ago…lol…you must be like me…I have to research everything…have a good morrow , Ruth…

  14. Unknown says:

    Geez, Ruth, that is a scary statistic about doctor-caused deaths. So, yes, one has to be the monitor of what is being done to you in the name of health. And, we need to feel free to ask questions – particularly if there is a feeling of unease about what is being done to you.

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